After more than three years in development, Peel Away Labs’ 100% waterproof multilayer sheet makes it easy for consumers and healthcare personnel to change the bed sheets. By simply pulling down the sheet from one corner, a soiled sheet is “peeled away” in seconds to reveal a fresh one underneath. Peelaways offers sheets with 5 to 7 layers per package.
Two US health care services companies for medical supplies, Cardinal Health and McKesson, are distributing Peelaways sheets for hospitals and long-term care facility beds, as well as to durable media equipment stores (DMEs) and independent pharmacies. Hospitals are evaluating these specialty sheets to increase patient comfort, save healthcare personnel time when it comes to changing the sheets, and to help reduce the occurrence of hospital-acquired infections, according to Peel Away Labs.
Lou Leibhaber, former chief operating officer at Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network, says in a release, “The reduced time in changing these sheets can significantly increase the time hospital staff provides care to its patients. On average, it can take two nurses up to 15 minutes to change a sheet while the patient is in the bed. With Peelaways, it can take one nurse less than a minute and, most importantly, can increase patient comfort.”
South Africa, which is experiencing a dire water shortage in some of their regions, is acutely interested in Peelaways because they can save water since there is no laundering needed. A pilot program with South Africa’s private hospital system Netcare is now getting underway. A partnership with newly created Peelaways South Africa and Peelaways Africa are primarily distributing the sheets to hospitals, mining companies, and sporting goods companies.
Asian medical supply chain company, IDS Medical Systems, has also signed on to distribute Peelaways to healthcare facilities throughout the far east.
Peel Away Labs raised $1.3 million with New York Venture Partners, Alpine Meridian Ventures, and a number of New York Angels’ members participating.
An early Peelaways prototype was first shown on the TV program Shark Tank in 2016.
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