N.J. pets in need: Jan. 2, 2023
Children can Read to a Dog at the Boonton Holmes Public Library on Jan. 11 from 4 to 5 p.m.
Participants can sign up for a 15-minute time slot to read to a registered therapy dog. Children are invited to bring their own book from home, or to use any book in the library; if using a library book, please arrive early to be ready by the time your slot begins. There will be eight slots per session, and sessions will run on the second Wednesday of every month. Registration opens up a week before each date.
This program is free and open to the public and is recommended for all children who are capable of reading alone or with assistance. Register at https://tinyurl.com/bhpldogreading.
The library is located at 621 Main St.
Doggy Noses and Yoga Poses will take place at The Alementary in Hackensack to benefit Pawsitively Furever on Jan. 15 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Rescue puppies and dogs will be allowed to roam freely and interact with participants during this mixed level yoga class featuring Yoga Fury with founder/instructor Kurt Reinking. Admission will also include a pint after the class for guests 21 and over.
Tickets are $37.50 if purchased in advance, and $45 if purchased at the door, space permitting. A portion of all ticket proceeds will be donated to Pawsitively Furever Rescue. Please bring your own yoga mat or towel. Please note that the only dogs allowed on the class floor will be the rescues of Pawsitively Furever. Due to potential canine dietary restrictions, no food or treats will be allowed on the class floor.
The Alementary is located at 58 Voorhis Lane. Tickets can be purchased at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dnyp-namastay-for-the-barks-and-beer-at-the-alementary-tickets-480176509867
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