URINARY incontinence shouldn’t stop you taking to the dancefloor at Christmas or putting up the decorations on the tree.
But for seven million people in the UK with the confidence-crushing condition, cold weather and festive parties will make symptoms flare up.
Dr Ayanthi Gunasekera, of London Gynaecology says: “We sweat less in cold weather and produce more urine to compensate.
"Drinks such as tea, coffee, alcohol and hot chocolate can further irritate the bladder and aggravate symptoms.”
Also affected are 2.3 million Brits over the age of 40 with overactive bladder (OAB).
Bladder Health UK says research suggests people pee more when the body is cold, as nerves conduct signals to bladder muscles, causing them to contract and become more sensitive.
It can mean increased urgency to pee, more leakage and nighttime toilet trips.
Throw in a cold and cough, and stress incontinence - when urine leaks out when your bladder is under pressure - can get worse.
Dr Gunasekera said: “An uncontrolled cough can lead to an exacerbation of symptoms.
“Vigorous dancing and jumping around on the dance floor can trigger symptoms too.”
Managing coughs with cough syrup, cutting back on booze, hot drinks, spicy and acidic foods can all help, as can pelvic floor exercises - download the NHS Squeezy app for tips.
Celebs Kate Winslet and Nadia Sawalha have previoualy spoken out about suffering incontinence.
The cost of living crisis is also leaving people unable to buy the hygiene products they need.
Bladder and Bowel UK and NRS Healthcare have joined forces to help supply free products, call NRS Complete Care Shop on 01772 675 048, while stocks last.
Many women are calling for more targeted help, whatever the season.
We spoke to three of them . . .
Sophie Mei Lan, 34, is a mental health and wellbeing content creator (mamamei.co.uk) and mum of two from Wakefield, West Yorks.
She says: "Every morning the first thing I do is take off my own nappy. I’m 34 and incontinent.
I had my first child at 23. I was induced and spent a long time pushing. I suffered a prolapse.
My bladder and womb slipped down into my vagina.
There was pain and discomfort and it was devastating for my pelvic floor.
I started losing a bit of pee when I laughed or exercised – and I was just expected to just get on with it.
I was told to do my pelvic floor exercises and see a physiotherapist.
None of that worked. I had my second child at 25 and although labour was better, the damage was already done.
My incontinence got worse and worse. Nearly a decade after having kids, I never thought I’d still be buying nappies for myself.
In June 2021 I was rushed to hospital as my intestines became blocked.
My incontinence became very severe.
It had gone from having the odd leak to not being able to control myself – bladder or bowel – at all.
Lockdown didn’t help. Working from home, I was always near the toilet but became used to going whenever I felt like it which exacerbated my bladder weakness.
I dreaded the school run and worried about wetting myself in the playground.
The whole situation really knocked my confidence. I’m an adult and I still wet the bed. It’s very embarrassing.
I’m on the waiting list for surgery now and hope it will transform my life."
Esther Stubbs, 44, from South Lincolnshire, works as a pelvic health physiotherapist.
She says: "I had a disastrous birth experience in 2009. Two failed ventouse attempts ended in a forceps delivery, an episiotomy (cut between vagina and perineum) and a poor attempt at being stitched up.
I had terrible urinary incontinence post-birth, so I made an appointment with my GP and a physio.
At my six week check-up, my GP said it “might get better in time”. I was staggered.
One specialist told me it wasn’t worth fixing until I’d finished having children.
I had my other two children, at which point I decided enough was enough.
I started to learn everything I could about the pelvic floor, to help myself and other women suffering in silence or never straying far from a toilet.
So many women have given up so many things they loved because of urinary incontinence – it’s madness there wasn’t a solution.
I designed a 12-week course and started pelvicpowermovement.com in January last year.
The bladder is like a dog. It will behave how you train it.
There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to urinary incontinence.
It can happen because of a tight pelvic floor as much as a loose one, it could be dysfunction, trauma or scarring.
Women can absolutely become continent again.
I went from not being able to do anything to trampolining and running.
I know women who don’t go anywhere without pads, spare underwear, even entire changes of clothes.
These women – myself included – lost so much time because we weren’t taken seriously.
We find ways to hide it or cope with it rather than demanding it gets sorted.
Kelly Newton, 51, from Croydon founded Nixi Body – leak proof knickers. She says: “I had my son, Mac, 20 years ago and have vivid memories of leaking urine every time I laughed or coughed after having him.
“The impression at the time was it was just something women should live with after having children.
“I used to think I learned to live with it, but I didn’t. I stopped exercising because the issue was so bad.
“I changed everything in order to accommodate it.
“I finally went to the GP in 2012 who sent me to a specialist nurse who told me to keep a diary, but that was it - no follow up, no exercises, no solution.
“I had a hysterectomy in 2013 and when menopause started, things got worse.
“I’d gone back to playing hockey but I’d stretch for a ball and wet myself.
“I didn’t want to wear pads all the time and the underwear available was all so ugly and chunky, so I designed a pair myself.
“Incontinence is not acceptable after having a baby, it’s not something we should learn to live with and it’s not something we should accept gets worse in menopause.
“So many women tell me their GP hasn’t taken them seriously.
“Sorting this issue is relatively easy and low cost for the NHS, but not tackling it can lead to mental health problems, weight gain and obesity as women stop playing the sports they love – which cost the NHS far more.
“I’ve spoken to women who work on shop or factory floors who have left their job because they’re embarrassed about the amount of toilet breaks they need.
“It’s not good enough and something needs to be done.”
DOCTOR Ayanthi Gunasekera said: “Those suffering with incontinence needn’t be afraid or embarrassed to seek help. See a doctor straight away if you are concerned.
“Accidents are not a part of normal physiology, and if this is interfering with your life such as exercise, work or sex life, you need to see your doctor.”
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