8 Reasons Your Dog is Scratching The Carpet - AZ Animals

2023-01-05 16:36:56 By : Ms. Shelly Xu

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Our canine companions can adopt many strange behaviors that get under our skin, and scratching the carpet is one of them. Carpet scratching in dogs can cause serious destruction in your home, as this behavior can lead to fraying, fading, and even holes in your beautiful furnishing.

We want to help preserve your sanity if you have a carpet digging pup in your home, so let’s help you get to the bottom of this undesirable behavior. Not only will we dive into the common factors that drive a dog’s carpet digging, but we will also offer some tips on how to stop them moving forward!

Before we dive into the most common reasons why your dog is scratching your carpet, we should first get to the root of a dog’s desire to dig. Digging is an ingrained canine behavior that all dogs participate in, as it was once a key to their survival in the wild!

Our pup’s wild ancestors once dug holes to chase prey that burrowed into the ground, to creature safe dens for their growing puppies, and to even escape the summer heat by resting in the cool soil. While our dogs may not need to fend for themselves in the forest any longer, their desire to dig still exists.

Your pup may not be scratching or digging at your carpet in effort to survive, but their instincts may still be driving the behavior. That is why it is so important to understand the many underlying factors behind your dog’s carpet scratching, as this will allow you to finally put an end to the behavior moving forward!

Now that you understand how natural of a behavior digging and scratching is for dogs, let’s break down the possible reasons why your dog wont stop scratching the carpet.

All dogs are born with the desire to dig, but certain breeds are even more prone to the behavior than others. Some breeds of dog were specifically bred to dig and chase prey out of their underground dens, and this leads to them seeking out any opportunity to dig to this day. These pups may try to dig at any given chance, whether it is at your carpet or in the dirt in your backyard.

Some of the dog breeds that are known to dig the most include Jack Russel Terriers, Rat Terriers, Dachshunds, Scottish Terriers, Huskies, Basset Hounds, Beagles, Border Collies, and Cairn Terriers. Owning one of these breeds does not mean they will always participate in destructive digging, but it simply means you will need to keep an eye out for these behaviors. It also means you will need to make sure these pups are getting enough daily exercise each day, as boredom will increase the the risk of destructive digging and scratching around your home.

Due to the fact that digging and scratching at the ground is a fun behavior for some pups, it is not uncommon for dogs to scratch at your carpet when they are bored. This is especially true if they do not have a regular exercise routine, or if they do not have enough toys that can help to occupy their time. If a dog is bored enough, they can scratch your carpet to the point of causing serious damage.

If you think your dog is scratching your carpet due to boredom, then it is likely time to increase the amount of exercise you offer them each day. You can do this by taking them on daily walks, playing frisbee with them, playing tug of war with them, taking them on hikes, and any other activity that gets them up and moving.

Do you always engage with your dog immediately after you see them scratching at your carpet? Maybe you call them over to you each time in effort to get them to stop? If this is the case, your dog could be scratching your carpet when they want attention. They might have learned that participating in this behavior gets your eyes on them, and this is especially true if you are accidently enforcing the behavior.

If you think your dog’s carpet scratching is attention seeking, then it is best to be careful about how you respond to this behavior in the future. The next time you catch your furry friend scratching at your carpet, we suggest not engaging and simply walking away from them. Your pup will soon learn that this behavior will not offer them the attention they seek, and when they do make this connection and walk away, you can then engage with them.

Have you noticed your dog smelling the spot on the carpet in which they are digging? How about if they are only scratching at the spot in which they had an accident a week prior? If this is the case, they might be scratching at the carpet in effort to investigate the scent. The best thing to do in this situation is to clean the area thoroughly and make sure there are no interesting scents left behind for them to track. We suggest using an enzyme carpet cleaner, as this is the best way to break down the bacteria that is causing the odor.

Does your dog only scratch at the carpet right before they settle down in the same spot for a nap? If this is the case, then your dog is likely trying to make the area as comfortable as possible for their slumber. You may also see your dog spinning in circles after they scratch at the carpet, as this is just one more way for them to settle in properly.

If you think your dog is scratching the carpet when they are trying to get comfortable, then we suggest giving them a cozy dog bed to sleep in. You may also want to add some soft blankets to their bed, as dogs that are prone to digging often love to burrow. Once they have a dedicated spot for sleeping, they will no longer need to dig at your carpet in search of comfort.

Does it seem like your dog only scratches your carpet during moments of stress? This can include when they are left alone, when there are loud noises outside, or even when other animals are present. Anxious digging is quite common among nervous pups, and if they are not outdoors, then your carpet might be the only surface available to dig on.

The best way to deal with anxious digging in dogs is by trying to relieve their stress as much as possible. This can include tiring them out each day so they do not have pent up energy, trying not to leave them alone for long periods, making sure they have engaging toys when they are left alone, playing soothing music during storms or other loud events, and even reaching out to your vet for anxiety medication when needed.

The cause of your dog’s carpet scratching could be due to everything from boredom to attention seeking. Understanding the potential causes of this behavior can help you better understand your carpet scratching pup, and put an end to the undesirable behavior moving forward.

Be sure to review the potential reasons behind your dog’s carpet scratching that we discussed above, and to then implement the tips we listed for each factor. You should be able to tackle this strange canine habit in no time!

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