by Santa Clarita Magazine | Dec 30, 2022 | Community
Santa Clarita is our City! Our team here at the magazine calls Santa Clarita home. Over the last 33 years, we have promoted positivity, community and helping those around us. It is with great pleasure that we offer you a way to give back to your community—the place you call home. On the following pages you will find our annual Non-Profit Wish List. It is a compilation of requests, wishes and needs from local organizations that help assist the people in our community. From a gas card, to office paper; volunteers to stamps, there are endless ways to give. We hope you find something below that resonates with you and encourages you to make a difference in someone’s life.
A Light of Hope 661-513-HEAL (4325) Our wish is to continue providing support groups for youth, young adults and families in recovery from addiction or self-destructive behaviors. Our program is run solely by volunteers and relies on ongoing monetary donations and community support – please partner with us as we offer hope and healing to the families of Santa Clarita!
Alzheimer’s Association 661-289-3040 “Our wish is to fulfill our vision of a world without Alzheimer’s and all dementia. Please join us in the fight against Alzheimer’s by supporting our local Walk to End Alzheimer’s® in Valencia in October. Please take advantage of our free local support and education by visiting
American Cancer Society, Inc. 661-296-8460 The American Cancer Society wishes for volunteers and donations. Find flexible and fun volunteer opportunities planning events and fundraising with Relay For Life or help with store operations at the Discovery Shop. Make monetary donations and sign up for Relay at or donate gently used items to the Discovery Shop by calling 661-296-8460.
American Diabetes Association 323-966-2890 Our wish is to bring and end to diabetes and its burdens by raising vital funds that support our communities right here in Southern California. Over 34 million Americans live with diabetes and over 88 million are at risk. With your donations, we can expand the reach and depths of programs, advocacy, research and education that make an impact on youth and families throughout Southern California. Over $40 billion is spent, just in California, on healthcare costs related to diabetes. With your help, we can prevent and cure diabetes and improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
ARTree Community Arts Center 661-673-7500 • ARTree would love some additional supplies for our community art events. We need acrylic paints, paper – construction, drawing, mixed media, canvas boards, sharpies, beads, and buttons. We could also use your volunteer time.
Assistance League of Santa Clarita 661-255-1991 “Our wish is for a laptop computer (new or used) to check in students during our Operation School Bell® events, which provide new school clothes to Santa Clarita Valley students with limited resources. Our UkeLAdies would like 20 Hawaiian shirts to wear while they provide musical entertainment year round for seniors in our community. We would like to find meeting space for 75 people for our monthly member meetings on the first Wednesday of each month.
Baker Family Foundation 310-710-3664 We are looking for sponsors and community support in 2023 as we launch our Youth Entrepreneurial competition called “The Big Idea SCV”. It will be a 3 phase process where those in the finals will present their business idea in front of a live audience.
Blue Star Ranch 661-312-6184 Our wish this year is for in-kind donations, including: SHOW SHENE (A conditioning spray for manes and tails), FLY SPRAY for horses, VASELINE (large jar), PAPER TOWELS, COTTON BALLS, NEOSPORIN OINTMENT, BAGS OF TIMOTHY PELLETS, And MORE VOLUNTEERS. Most horse supply items can be found locally at Fox Feed, and Tractor Supply in Canyon Country.
Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley 661-254-2582 • This year you can support Club kids with a donation of art supplies, playground balls, basketballs, school supplies, a ping pong table, chess sets, a foosball table, and small toys for the prize box.
Bridge to Home SCV 661-254-4663 • Our wish is for Heavy Duty Sleeping Cots,Volunteers to build dorm partitions, Refrigerator, Hot water pump, 12-Gallon Heavy Duty Totes with Snap Lid, Mobile Shower Trailer, 200ft water hose, Mosquito Repellent Zappers, Brooms and Mops, Large Commercial Coffee Pot, Toaster Oven, Laundry Detergent Pods, Lysol Disinfectant Wipes, Pens, Sticky Note Pads, and White-out.
Carousel Ranch 661-268-8010 • Our wish is simple…for the continued love and support that we have been blessed to receive from this incredible community. In kind donations are greatly appreciated – from hose supplies/tack, carrots or treats for our amazing therapy horses to office supplies, postage and even auction items for our annual Heart of the West fundraiser. We also utilize volunteers at the Ranch daily, so the gift of time is priceless and greatly appreciated.
Child & Family Center 661-259-9439 Our shelter is in need of grocery store gift cards, and many other items, such as blankets / quilts for twin size mattresses, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, as well as forks, spoons, and drinking cups . Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Circle of Hope Inc. 661 254-5218 • Our wish is for supplies we can use for our comfort bags for those with cancer. We would appreciate light and thin fleece throw blankets, warm socks, puzzle books, journals, reusable water bottles, and other comfort items.
City of Hope Santa Clarita 626-224-0648 Our wish is to provide goody bags for our patients to increase their comfort during treatment. We would be appreciative to receive any of the following items: blankets, neck or travel pillows, socks, puzzle and activity books, gentle moisturizers, lip balms. We are also in need of gift cards for gas – many patients need assistance with transportation to and from treatment.
COC Foundation 661-362-3433 Our wish is to help College of the Canyons students succeed both academically and personally. We can do this by supporting programs that combat homelessness and food insecurity. We encourage donations to be made online by designating “Where the Need is Greatest” or in-kind donations of food or supplies to the Basic Needs Center (or BaNC).
Code Read SCV 818-238-7686 Code Read wishes a professional Grant Writer would donate their time to assist with our capital campaign. Donations to cover the cost of a grant writer would be incredible as well. Now more than ever underserved youth need books of their own.
Coco Moms Inc. Our wish is to provide 4th trimester emotional well-being support totes to all mothers that have given birth in Santa Clarita. We need in-kind donations including journals, pens, pencils, water bottles, pure lanolin, nursing pads, postpartum undergarments, hot & cold packs, weighted blankets, hair ties, nursing bras, body pillows, compression socks, prepackaged raspberry and fenugreek tea bags.
Family Promise of Santa Clarita Valley 661-251-2867 Our wish is for in-kind donations of full-size toiletries and household goods, gas, grocery, and Walmart gift cards to assist SCV families on the brink of or are currently experiencing homelessness. Please send email to for more details on how to help.
Fire Hogs MC – LACoFD 661-313-4309 Our Wish is for money donations that will be donated to the Los Angeles County Fire Department’s Widows & Orphans Fund. Every Penny of your donation will go to support the families left behind when a Firefighter dies in the line of duty. Your donation will support the maintenance and adding names to the Memorial Wall at LACOFD Headquarters. Your help will provide Scholarships for the children, and immediate financial needs.
Fostering Youth Independence 661-360-1500 • At FYI, our mission is to equip foster youth to complete a post-secondary education and become successful, independent adults. We provide academic support and emergency financial assistance so Santa Clarita’s foster youth can pursue their educational dreams. Our wish is to meet students’ basic needs for food and household supplies. We are asking for online donations ( to our Emergency Assistance fund or donations of Target or Walmart gift cards in any amount. 91380.
Gentle Barn 818-578-9242 • Our wish is for: Blankets, Washcloths, Paper towels, Puppy wee wee pads, New Horse fly masks, New horse halters with matching lead ropes, Horse shampoo and conditioner, Natural fly spray, New Horse brushes, Dog toys, Horse cookies & Large dog beds.
Gibbon Conservation Center 661-296-2737 • We are in great need of extension ladders of various sizes, tall A frame ladders, used fire hoses, and storage sheds. We could use more volunteers, we have many Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts projects. We also need skilled welders, plumbers and electricians to assist with various tasks. We could use an RV that’s still in a good shape. We would also love more visitors.
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital Foundation 661-200-1200 Our hospital is built on the generosity of our community! In the New Year, our wish is for our community to be safe. We are committed to continue to provide the best in compassionate, world-class healthcare. We wish for our community to continue to support us philanthropically as we fulfill our unwavering pledge to be the trusted regional leader to inspire and deliver optimal health and wellness.
In Care of Hope 661-803-1197 • We are a small locally run nonprofit organization doing our part to raise funds and support for blood cancer research and patient services which provides financial support for those battling blood cancers. We need donations to continue our mission.
Innovations Show Choir 818-618-9027 • Our wish is for in-kind donations including an 88-key weighted keyboard and stool, laser printer, audio monitor,128 GB SD card, camera and stabilizer, platform folding hand truck. We also wish for donations to support tuition financial aid for qualifying families as well as personnel include a stage manager, development specialist, costume mistress, and webmaster.
Jack’s Angels 818-400-2724 • Our beloved tools are getting too old and inefficient, and need to be replaced (9 years old): We need a new imac (purple), 512GSSD model for multimedia editing, 256 minimum. Blue Yeti microphone, and headphones.
JCI Santa Clarita 661-993-9704 Our wish this year is to further expand our network of young active citizens (ages 18-40) who want to develop themselves as leaders through service to the community. If any readers know someone who could benefit from our organization, please refer them to our website or contact us at: We are also looking for sponsors for our upcoming Awards & Installation, other new and exciting community projects.
L.A.R.C. Los Angeles Residential Community Foundation 661-510-9668 L.A.R.C.’s wish list is craft & art supplies, jigsaw puzzles, Ipads for facetiming day program and parents, and a new Van for transportation!
Major Impact Theater 310-944-2845 Our wish is for donations of sturdy hangers, garment bags, and clothing racks for storage of costumes. Other items include free printing for Playbills; printing paper; and postage stamps.
Michael Hoefflin Foundation 661-250-4100 • “Our wish is for $25 grocery gift cards, $25 gas gift cards, computer paper, HP LaserJet P1102w ink, stamps, blank boxed birthday cards, computers and or laptops.
Million Little 661-425-4872 • Our wish is to create opportunities for all children in our community to have access to the arts. We need art supplies, 24×30 canvases, laptops, digital cameras, folding push cart dolly, and volunteers for arts project and marketing/development support.
Prayer Angels for the Military 661-799-8865 • We need items and funds for sending care packages to over 300 hometown troops, help at monthly events, a new pop-up canopy, laminating services for prayer cards, newer laptops, cell phones, gift cards for groceries & fast food, and tax-deductible car donations to help local military and veterans in need. We are Blue Star Families & Community working together over 18 yrs.
Project Sebastian 661-414-4856 Our wish is for sponsorships for the second annual rare warrior 5 x 5. We are seeking sponsors, in-kind donations and volunteers for this upcoming event in 2023. For more info, please check out our website under the events tab. This event supports our community rare disease support group meetings in collaboration with Henry Mayo Newhall hospital.
Project Books Inc. 661-298-0426 We always need new donations of books! The gift of a book can open someone’s world. Help create this feeling of joy for people who cannot afford books and donate today! Spread the gift of reading.
Santa Clarita Veteran Services Collaborative 661-753-3559 Since we exist strictly on donations our wish list includes, financial support (one time and/or sustaining), canned and packaged goods for our food pantry, and volunteer time both in our Veteran Center and on various sub-committees.
Santa Clarita Artists Association 661-252-7639 Our wish is to raise $5000, and in-kind donations, to provide opportunities to young artists by hosting a two-week High School Invitation Art Show in our Santa Clarita Artists Association Gallery. We need the following: frames, awards, and monies toward our existing scholarships. Our Art Gallery is in a historical building in Old Town Newhall and maintenance can be a challenge. Our wish is to purchase/install a heater/AC, modern neon signage and outdoor lighting in the upcoming year.
Santa Clarita Master Chorale 562-458-5809 Our wish is for monetary donations in any amount, from $5 to $5,000 (or more!). The Santa Clarita Master Chorale brings world-class choral concerts to SCV three times per year. We use donations to purchase music, rent our venues and hire orchestra players, among other costs.
SCV Education Foundation 661-678-0429 Donating directly to our causes helps ensure the continuation of each and every program on a year to year basis. Donate today to help keep a smile on their faces! Be a volunteer of our Read With Me Program or on our regular volunteer mailing list, you’ll be ensuring that our students, teachers, and community get the best possible experience from our programs and events. or Become a sponsor!
SCV Pregnancy Center 661-214-6234 Our wish is for gift cards that can help to provide for practical needs like baby items and groceries. Please also visit our “wish list” on for ideas items that will help the Center as we provide assistance to the community.
SCV Project Linus 818-648-3835 • Our wish is for gift cards to Walmart, Joann’s, Michael’s, as well as new fabric (no sew fleece), new thread, scissors, rotary cutters and blades, mini iron, safety pins, rulers, tape measures, seam rippers, batting, new acrylic washable yarn (no wool), crochet hooks and knitting needles, cutting mats, sewing machines in good condition.
SCV Food Pantry 661-255-5001 • The Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry cannot exist without the generous support of the local community and our volunteers. We are always in need of non-perishable foods, donations, and volunteer help. You have already taken the first step in making a difference and we encourage you to contribute in any way you wish. You can volunteer your time or donate food or money or even sponsor.
SCV Scholarship Foundation Since 1951, the SCVSF has helped thousands of Hart District graduates with some of their college and post-graduation education costs. This would not be possible without the support of community businesses, organizations and individuals. Our wish is for our support to grow by establishing new scholarships and increasing funding to existing awards. It’s easy and extremely rewarding.
SCV Senior Center 661-259-9444 Our wish is to promote quality of life for seniors through the various programs and services that we offer. Join us as we move forward for you, your family and generations to come. Our wish is for gift cards that we can distribute to needy seniors or donations to the Senior Assistance Fund. Please give what you can. Thank you for believing in our mission as we serve our seniors together!
Single Mothers Outreach 661-288-0117 It is our wish to continue supporting families with basic needs. Due to storage, food and gas gift cards are the most convenient way to help us to help others. Becoming a monthly donor will also allow us to provide therapy for moms or children who has suffered severe trauma.
Soroptimist International of Greater Santa Clarita Valley 661-433-2511 • Our Wish List for 2023 is for us to be able to resume helping women and girls globally and in our local community through our three pillars: women’s health issues, women in crisis, and celebrating women. This year, we ask the community to help continue in supporting our Dream Programs: The Live Your Dream Awards, The Dream It Be It Career and College Readiness program, and our Go Girls program by attending or sponsoring our Annual Wine Affair.
Soroptimist International of Valencia Our wish for 2023 is to continue the great momentum we’ve created for our Live Your Dream and Dream it, Be it Programs and our Bras For a Cause fundraiser. We were able to help so many women and girls last year, and we wish for our compassionate community to support us again in our critical mission of bettering the lives of women and girls in our community.
SRD Straightening Reins 661-803-1641 Our with is for Herd feed- haybales ($20 each), snacks for kids, 2”×4”x8’ boards for benches, pop up tent shaders, 60” portable round tables and chairs, horse de-wormer copy paper pens manilla filing folders
S.T.R.E.A.M Global Innovations 818-585-5664 • This year, our focus is on increasing social media support and presence and continuing to build incredible relationships with businesses throughout Santa Clarita. With that being said, we are seeking volunteers to assist the day of events and new organizations to participate in all STREAM programs virtually or in-person. Our events include Expos, Cafés, Community Events, and more. Become a STREAMer by joining the flow.
Spotlight Arts Center 714-227-1738 • Spotlight Arts Center is 100% community funded. For every $1000 sponsored, we are able to provide a free weekly class to children in our community for the entire school year. We currently offer over 15 weekly classes for kids ages 3-18. In addition to the generous monetary contributions and tangible item donations, our wish is to find a location to store our small 5×8 supply trailer.
The Brittany Foundation Animal Sanctuary (661) 713-5240 “Our wish is for volunteers who have experience in grant writing and fundraising to help us come up with new and innovative ideas for 2023 and beyond. To learn more about all the different ways you can volunteer on our website.
Triumph Foundation 661-803-3700 Our wish is for in-kind donations, including: lots of clear or see through storage bins with lids (all sizes – new preferred), reams of white computer paper, black trash bags, cleaning wipes, Ziploc bags (Gallon size), travel sized toiletries, and plastic 5-pocket file folders.
WiSH Education Foundation 661-799-WiSH (9474) WiSH bridges the gap in state funding for education, supporting student programs for the Hart District’s 22,000 students. We are raising funds to support wellness programs – centers, arts, music and resources. Donating just $5 would make a difference for our local students! Go to our website and click on “support.” Thank you!
Yes I Can (YIC) Unity Through Music & Education 800-961-5844 Our wish list for 2023, we are in a desperate need of an 8-12 passenger van to help transport our young adults from various film locations, music studios, productions and to allow greater access to the community for career exploration and technical training.
Zoe International 661-255-7963 • Becoming a monthly donor or giving a one-time gift would allow ZOE to reach another level. It would empower us to reach more people with the gospel and rescue more children from trafficking. We pray that you and your family have a blessed New Year!
Zonta Club of Santa Clarita Valley 661-252-9351 • We wish for the following items: Standard Backpacks (No Drawstrings) • T-Shirts • Socks • Towel & Washcloth • Soap (Travel Size) (Without Hotel Logos) • Shampoo & Conditioner (Travel Size) (Without Hotel Logos) • Deodorant (Travel Size) • Toothbrush & Toothpaste (Travel Size) • Soft Blanket • Plush Toy/Teddy Bear • sanitizers.
by Linda, Moe and Alexander Hafizi | Dec 30, 2022 | A Note From the Publisher
Don’t you just love our cover? We are all in great hands with this wonderful group of individuals, such a power group, which includes Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Captain Justin Diez, President and CEO of Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital Roger Seaver, Los...
by Santa Clarita Magazine | Dec 30, 2022 | Community
New Year’s is a time to reflect on the previous year and celebrate the arrival of a new one. It’s also a time to share hopeful Happy New Year wishes with everyone in your life, including friends, family, co-workers and neighbors, after all, these are the people you...
by Santa Clarita Magazine | Dec 30, 2022 | Community
Single Mothers Outreach is proud to announce the Empowering HeArts Honorees whose lives personify thisyear’s theme, Building Hope. Our event is Friday, February 10, 2023. The VIP starts 5 pm and General Admission is at 6 pm. The event will be at Sand Canyon Country...
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